
All calls to our back-end require authentication, this authentication allows us to validate that the call is being made by you and not someone else. To get an authentication token, you can use the following call:
The input definition is as follows:
Schema definition of the authentication call

The secret will be provided to you during your onboarding by your customer success manager. If the provided data is correct, you will be authenticated, and you'll receive a token in the response. This token will be valid for 24 hours. The token should be used as a header in all your future calls, it will determine which shop is requesting a call. The header should be named "authorization". The token itself is a bearer token and therefore needs to be preceded with the characters "Bearer".

Headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer *insert token*"
E.g.: Headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGc…g027s"