
Besides the highly recommended functionalities, there are some other functionalities we would like to point your attention towards that will increase the potential of how you can use STYLE PTTRNS on your website.

There is also a Best Practices document which might give you some more inspiration on how to use the wealth of information STYLE PTTRNS is able to provide elsewhere on your website and user journey. Below are some of the basic technical functions you might want to use.

Call-to-Action button

Included in the STYLE PTTRNS front-end flow are CTA buttons that are also customizable. Not just the copy but also their functionality. During onboarding, your Customer Success Manager will discuss your preference and set this up accordingly. Outside of the options to a) open an earlier provided by you Product Detail Page link or b) open a specific URL for all frames but will include some URL query params there is also the option to c) have our iframe just send events including information so you can fully control the continuation of the user journey after they customer has finished the STYLE PTTRNS flow.
More information can be found in the Call-to-Action section.


When a customer is navigating through the STYLE PTTRNS front-end, they will be encouraged to like frames. The list of these frames is referred to as Favourites. These favourites can obviously be used elsewhere on your website to populate a wishlist or shopping cart but also in an email campaign you might want to run.
More information can be found in the Retrieving favorites section.

Using recommendation elsewhere

Once a recommendation is generated, this result – a list of SKUs and a corresponding score per SKU – will remain available indefinitely. This allows you to use the STYLE PTTRNS recommendation elsewhere on your user journey. E.g., by sending a reminder email after X number of days, including the top 3 frames that will suit them best, but also showing the scores of the frames on your website on the Product Detail Page or even using it as a sort on the Product Listing Page.
Information on how to fetch the latenst recommendation can be found in the corresponding section.